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Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts

Friday, 26 May 2017

How To Train Adult Student with Low Education Background or Weaknesses of Human Cognitive (Basic)

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera

Today I want to share one of my client/ adult student around 40+ years old. The issues are this student very hard to understand every single instruction given to him.

I found out, after discuss and asking a few question with this client, he required special treatment for him to understanding for any lesson given to him which is he required the trainer/ teacher sit beside him to teach one by one instruction for him to understand.

For example:
If the lesson is to create a table: The trainer required have another PCs and sit beside him and show step by step to just a create table or any lesson to teach this type of student. This approach is practically in a small number of student. The idea is based on human mind works as shown in the process below:

The correct stimulus should be given with the correct wat to make student easy to understand from the lesson given during class. After that, the student can starts to think of for them can understand the process the lesson they obtained. it’s also greatly useful in helping people to improve their behavior. The best thing about it is that it can easily work together with other approaches to create a therapy that will bring about positive results. That's why the approach use is important to teach the student has learning difficulties by demonstrating the lesson with an easy way to understand especially for adult student and lower education background. Lastly, to assess his understanding, we have to list some stimulus question to get their response to ensure they understand the lesson obtained before the class dismissed.

Thanks, Ya Allah, Make Me To Help People out there with passion.

Syukur Selalu

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Pengalaman Mengajar Pelajar 'Traumatic Brain Injury' at SOCSO Tun Razak Rehabilitation Centre, Melaka

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera

Saya adalah pengajar kemahiran yang mempunyai Master in Electrical Engineering dan bertugas di sebuah organisasi yang memberikan perkhidmatan pemulihan  secara perubatan, pemulihan fizikal dan vokasional bagi pekerja yang terbencana di tempat kerja atau yang tertakluk di bawah skim caruman manfaat PERKESO/ SOCSO.

Pengalaman yang sangat mengujakan dan mencabar yang mana saya diterima bekerja di organisasi ini pada Tahun 2014 yang mana pusat ini baru siap dibina dibumi Melaka. Pada mulanya agak takut menerima cabaran ini kerana pengalaman pertama mengajar pelajar Orang kelainan Upaya (OKU) yang disebababkan kemalangan di tempat kerja dsb.

Tahun ini (07/2017), selepas 3 tahun berkhidmat di pusat ini, ingin dikongsikan kesediahan, kebanggaan, kesukaran, kemanisan dan pelbagai perasaan yang tidak pernah saya rasakan sebelum ini.

Untuk pengetahuan semua tidak semua orang yang dalam keadaan normal ingin beralih kepada keadaan orang kelainan upaya... Ini semua dengan kehendak-NYA.

Pengalamana saya selama 3 tahun, terlalu pantas dan banyak kes yang saya terima dari pesakit yang menghadapi 'Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)' iaitua sebagai trainer menggalas cabaran mengajar dan memberi kemahiran kepada mereka ini terutamanya saya yang tiada latarbelakang klinikal. Dengan satu tekad dan semangat motivasi yang telah saya didik dalam diri ini.  Saya kuatkan semangat mengambil semua pelajar TBI supaya diberi kemahiran khusus agar mereka boleh kembali ke alam pekerjaan dan diterima dalam komuniti.

Alhamdulillah saya berjaya melakukannya walaupun belum cukup bagus lagi, dengan tahap sabar yang tinggi yang sebenarnya tidaklah berapa sabar yela bayangkan mengajar pesakit TBI yang ingatan/ memori hilang samada bayak atau sedikit disebabkan kemalangan yang mereka hadapi.

bagi golongan pesakit TBI ini, mereka memerlukan perhatian lebih yang mana memerlukan 'one to one session untuk sesi pembelajaran dan pengajaran bersama mereka bagi tujuan pemulihan ingatan mereka kerana kelemahan dalam menerima dan mengingat sesuatu ilmu. Tambahan lagi, mereka memerlukan pengulangan latihan yang dilakukan secara berulang-kali bagi memastikan mereka betul-betul pulih dan paham sepenuhnya atau boleh mengingat semula.

Golongan ini memerlukan bimbingan secara khusus dan mereka sangat dahagakan motivasi dari seorang pengajar supaya meningkatkan semangat dan keyakinan mereka bukan hanya mengajar sahaja. Pengajar juga perlu mempunyai tahap kesabaran kerana yang pasti hari ini yang diajar belum tentu esok mereka akan ingat, ataupun sekarang diajar belum tentu mereka akan ingat di 10 minit kemudian. Berkat kesabaran, insyallah mereka boleh pulih yang pasti peluang perlu diberikan kepada mereka untuk sembuh dan belajar seperti orang lain.

Golongan ini juga, perlu diajar dengan latihan yang lebih ringkas dan mudah paham bagi mereka ingat apa yang dipelajari dan dapat dipraktis semula. Yang penting dalam setiap pengajaran adalah perlu menitikberatkan kualiti pengajaran bukanya produktiviti yang di inginkan.

Fahamilah mereka, selamilah hati mereka,
Mereka adalah seorang manusia biasa yang perlukan perhatian dan bukannya peminggiran yang mereka pinta dari pengajar-pengajar atau bakal pengajar yang mengajar golongan dalam kategeri ini atau seumpamanya. Bantu dan bimbinglah mereka bukannya menjadi pengajar yang memilih pelajar yang bagus sahaja untuk di didik kerana ianya memang sudah bagus tetapi pengajar yang bagus adalah membantu pelajar yang lemah untuk di didik/ dibantu agar menjadi manusia yang berguna pada masa depan Negara.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Master Research Experience

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera

Before this, I am worried to proceed postgraduate studies especially involving in research but with encouragement from my best friend, I apply to further studies .

In addition, the main point why I really confident to proceed for my postgraduate studies is has a scholarship called MYBrain15 offered by Malaysia Higher Education Ministry to encourage the undergraduate student to further studies by giving this privilege.  To make easy to the blog reader to gather information about this scholarship for a potential student already had an offer letter from any institution can access this link >>> to gather more information. Now, has a lot of scholarship  type offered by higher education ministry

In the time that i apply for this scholar, all process quite smoothly and faster approval by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and now, has scholar in MYPHD Industry and MYBrainSc etc.. I am very lucky, when I apply postgraduate studies, I got two offer from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), both university listed in QS World University Ranking. I am decided to choose UNITEN due to the reasonable fees compared to UTM the cost almost RM25K, among private university serve high quality education and trying to further studies at Private University before this my journey at government institutions experience.

I am very proud to be a part of Universiti Tenaga Nasional. The reason is, in this university has students from mixed/ various culture over the world which has the opportunities to learn with them. The lecturer is very experienced from education and industry link background which the lecture is based on industry practice especially in utilities industry such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) from my review and relevant to their expertise. Most of the lectures are very good, humble and very good in moral support. I am very encouraged to all potential UNITEN student as a University of Choice is to gain the knowledge for post-graduate studies and i have my personal experienced which is I  never get in at government university.

The guide for your Postgraduate studies, Make sure you are ready in terms of:

1. Financial support (especially in entry fees and recurring semester fees)
2. Mental Preparation (Make ready to learn again especially for workers)
3. Your time and commitment (sacrifice you time) - especially if u are required to attend the classes after working hour or weekend
4. The field to be Explore (in my case: Electrical Engineering)
5. The mode of Studies (course work/ mix mode or full research)
7. Believe to Your Ability! (You have to complete with passionate from what you have started)

In my case,
I do some research on various selected university, their field, fees and education quality.

I decided to further my studies in mix mode consist of course work and research (50:50). I further studies as part-time  and at the same time I am still working at education industry with the quite high commitment required me to deal and meeting with university top management frequently.

With selected mode of studies, I learn a lot of technology used in TNB with experience/ expert lecturer. In my first time experience, in one subject I have to have at least 3 lecturer different expertise which consist of industry practicing and educator. I am so proud! Quite shock for the first time because the marking skill also differs with different lecturer for the topic cover by the respective lecturer or Dr. Engineer.

After finished my all coursework consist of 7 subjects with entitled credit hour is 19 credit hour and the research is 21 credit hour to fulfill before graduate. I am very lucky to have very supportive research supervisor and very proudly.

Basic knowledge to start your research is:
Please do your research interest as much as you can by do your related research review from any related paper suit with your interest if possible use the latest article/journal, decide your area of your interest, set research objective, set your research method and tool to be used, and consistent focus during do your research and ensure is on track match your objective set, always discuss your progress and update with your supervisor, make sure during research process please start your writing to make you can achieve your expected completion of studies. Try to find any conference to present and publish your first paper if your institution required to publish the paper as a requirement for graduation. If you are ready, please prepare yourself for viva session after thesis writing is completed with appropriate checking by submitting your copy of the thesis to postgraduate studies center to process your viva ceremony.

As preparation before VIVA, please do your mock-viva with your supervisor or any appointed mock-viva assessor to prepare yourself before actual viva ceremony.... In my case, during viva ceremony, I am very nervous which make my speechless, in addition, a lot of question raised up from my advice, please prepare yourself with relevant info/ your research strength from what have you studied especially YOU MUST KNOW YOUR RESEARCH to defense during the question raised up.

Please study your research interest, the lecturer expertise, your ability and try to gather information of lecturer background for the best research assistance and guidance to make your research journey fun and helpful.

Let's start your postgraduate journey with passion. This briefly sharing from me....

Syukur, I am successful completed. Next, journey for PhD studies.

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